Quickly carry the bench in a way that works for you. There are 3 options to make it happen.
1. Manual
Do it yourself (DIY). With the easy step-by-step manual you can produce and assemble the bench on your own initiative or with help of an instructor.
2. Workshop
It is important to us that you have the option to built the bench by yourself; this in order to create a better understanding of materials and technology. We like to offer this through guided workshops. Or to contact local carpenters for his/her support.
3. Finished draag_bank
Unlike other companies, we want to involve carpenters on site with the production; on the one hand to create awareness for the local crafts and on the other hand to save costs and resources for transport.
The draag_bank is designed in such a way that it can be assembled by yourself or offered to be made in workshops, the latter under guidance. In these workshops knowledge transfer and collaboration play an important role. They can be organized for young and old, with or without experience in working with wood. The simple construction allows self-build in a group. The workshop provides a quick insight into material, dimensions and the people involved in building.
The draag_bank invites to used public space in a more freely and comfortable way. By moving the furniture together and define yourself where you want to sit creates new perspectives and encourages human interactions in your neighbourhood.
The bench itself is a medium for social interaction during the making and also in use. With this bench we want to inspire people with the influence they have in the creation and use of the draag_bank in order to increase the awareness of the material, the city and fellow citizens.
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